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PPTC rides are open to current members.  You must login and have a current membership to see the rides on the CALENDAR.

Please read the new ride guidelines outlined below to ensure that you understand and will follow them.  

Want to post a ride to our calendar? CLICK HERE to learn how!


1. Access to the ride calendar details will be limited to PPTC members.

2. Any member may register for a ride. However, the ride leader can decide to limit their ride to a number of their choosingIf more than the designated number of riders register for a ride, they will need to split into separate groups, and allow for maintenance of separation throughout the ride.

3.  At their discretion, ride leaders can request that riders who register for their rides be fully vaccinated against COVID.  However, this is not a specific policy of PPTC.

4. Riders will be required to register online or sign in electronically before the ride and provide their emergency contact information to the ride leader.  This will include an indication that they agree to the PPTC Waiver of Liability which includes informed consent for virulent and/or communicable airborne diseases.

5. Each rider will be required to carry a mask/face covering with them and wear it where face coverings are required.

6. Unvaccinated riders should not share food or hydration with any other rider. Riders should wash their hands either with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer, before touching any shared off-bike surface such as door handles to bathroom facilities, etc.

7. No spitting, snot rockets, etc on a group ride.

Pick Your Ride

Distances for Potomac Pedalers rides can range from 10 miles to 75 miles and average speeds range from 8 to more than 20 miles per hour. That is a wide spread of options and choosing a ride that fits you is important to your enjoyment. A good place to start is the RIDE CLASS TABLE which shows average distances and riding speeds. Potomac Pedalers organizes rides by pace and the Ride Class Table will help you see where you might fit. We generally recommend that riders new to the Club start with a ride paced a level or two below where they think they are.

If you have no idea where to start, please don't hesitate to CONTACT US! We can even help find a buddy for your first ride or two until you are more familiar with the Club. Our members are our strength!

Other Types of Rides

The ride schedule will also list specialty (Tandem, Women's) and special event (multi-day) rides. Check the website often for mention of our upcoming special rides and weekends!

Lead a Ride!

Potomac Pedalers has so many ride options because people like you lead rides! There would be no rides if not for our volunteer ride leaders. We always need new ride leaders! Please consider offering to lead a ride you would like to do. You can co-lead a ride until you're ready to fly solo. For more information on how to lead or how to get a ride on the schedule, CLICK HERE.